While the pandemic has temporarily paused many of our travel and recreation plans, there’s no shortage of people itching to plan future adventures as it becomes safe to visit new places. Compiled by the global editors of National Geographic Travel and framed by five categories - Adventure, Culture and History, Nature, Family, and Sustainability – the top destinations list feature vibrant communities, leading-edge conservation efforts, and exciting opportunities for future explorations. Read on to find out what put Denver on the list!

The article in National Geographic deemed Denver “A green giant of a city in the American West”, noting that despite financial challenges related to COVID-19, Denver is powering forward with its goal of achieving 100 percent renewable electricity by 2030.

A few notable initiatives include 125 miles of new bike lanes by 2023 and solar gardens to be “planted” on municipal parking lots, rooftops, and vacant land in 2021. Along with producing clean energy for public buildings, vehicle charging stations, and nearby low-income neighborhoods, the gardens will grow jobs and a paid training program during construction.

Connecting climate action and sustainability to economic prosperity and social justice has helped Denver earn the coveted LEED for Cities Platinum Certification. To encourage business owners to join the effort by putting eco-friendly solutions to work, Colorado’s capital offers free, customized sustainability plans through Certifiably Green Denver. Thanks to the program, nearly 2,000 Denver businesses are creating greener, more efficient operations that use less water and energy, and produce less air pollution and waste.

Whether you’re a new resident or a Denver native, there is always something new to explore in Denver and surrounding metro areas. If you’re ready to check out a new ‘hood or area of the city, contact Metrowest – we’d love to show you around!