In what will be a relief to many Denver renters, last week Gov. Jared Polis announced that state officials are allocating nearly $20 million in federal funding to help Coloradans with housing payment assistance amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Polis and the Department of Local Affairs announced the Property Owner Preservation Program, a result of House Bill 1410 for COVID-19-related housing assistance. The funding comes from the federal CARES act to help those with financial hardships related to COVID-19.

In a news release, Polis said this has been an incredibly challenging time for many Coloradans and this fund will help Coloradans who have been financially impacted by the pandemic and need rent assistance. The program funds will be used for rental assistance, mortgage assistance and guidance on how to access other housing services in Colorado.

Coloradans, including both renters and landlords, can visit the Department of Local Affairs website for more information on how to get assistance through the program.

Though Colorado’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was still 10.5%, that is down nearly 2 percent from April’s unemployment rate of 12.2%. According to the June household and business surveys, Colorado added 55,000 nonfarm payroll jobs in June, and the number of people employed in Colorado increased by 80,100.

If you are looking to transition from renter to buyer, or thinking of selling your current home, Metrowest has a variety of resources to help along the way. Contact us today – we’d love to help you start the process.