We all know that Denver – and all of Colorado for that matter – is experiencing a red-hot real estate market right now. And while inventory remains low and home prices are high, there are some areas that are more affordable than others. If you haven’t already, check out the areas below if you’re looking to become a homeowner soon!

Villa Lake
Located just south of the popular Sloans Lake area, Villa Lake is a wonderful place to live for a few reasons. Also a trending neighborhood, it is still on the more affordable end for people who are on a budget. The average home here lists under the average price for Denver across the board, which makes it a great place to scoop up real estate.

This neighborhood was once deemed unsafe and disreputable by locals. However, people looking for cheaper housing options began settling in, which has turned around Montbello’s reputation. A national wildlife refuge flanks the north side of the neighborhood, which is a big plus for people who like to enjoy the outdoors and see animals.

Sunnyside is known as a quiet residential area, but the neighborhood is expecting a boom. It is full of popular coffee shops, eateries, and boutiques to shop and is seen as a quaint and relaxed place to eat or spend time. Additionally, Sunnyside is still cheaper than neighboring parts of Denver, so it is a great spot to consider as you search for your next home.

Cole borders the River North Arts District. This area is a great place for people to investigate who want to be near the action but don’t want to have to pay the exorbitant prices. Cole is also very convenient to freeway entrances, which makes it an excellent place for commuters to live. The area is expected to see a hike in home prices as more people realize the potential here and more businesses swoop in.

Ready to start exploring some of Denver’s lesser-known neighborhoods? Now might be the best time. Give Metrowest a shout today – we’d love to show you around!