Often referred to as “carriage houses” or “mother in law apartment”, accessory dwelling units are detached structures separate from a primary home. And more and more Denver neighborhoods are recognizing their value and allowing them to be built.

Recently the city council voted to rezone three neighborhoods in west Denver to allow them to build accessory dwelling units or ADUs.

Councilwoman Jamie Torres, who represents District 3 and worked to pass legislation for rezoning in Villa Park, Barnum and Barnum West, said that these units are being used for family to live in, for grown kids who can't move elsewhere who aren't able to find a home of their own, or elderly parents and relatives, and for rentals.

One resident in Villa Park recently began construction on an ADU in his backyard. It was already zoned for a detached unit, and his ADU will be three bedrooms, nearly the size of his primary home.

The resident hopes to rent out his unit to his nieces and nephews who graduate from college, noting if they want to live in Denver this is probably going to be one of their only options.

The build is only costing about $150,000 because of the city initiative, the West Denver Renaissance Collaborative (WDRC) which serves nine west Denver neighborhoods affected by gentrification.

Renee Martinez-Stone, who runs WDRC through the Denver Housing Authority said that if would-be homebuyers were looking for a three-bedroom in the city – you would not be able to build that at the price that people are building ADUs. Not only does WDRC help with funding, but they help homeowners navigate the process of building by supplying architects and contractors.

If you’re interested in buying a home with an ADU or a home that allows for one, contact Metrowest today – we’d be happy to show you what’s available!